Wednesday, June 20, 2012

10 Things

Losing weight and subsequently becoming healthier brought about certain realizations.  Below is a list of 10 Things I've Noticed Since Becoming Healther:

1. I don't crave as much junk food as I used to.  I have a pretty bad sweet tooth -- I'm a sucker for chocolate, ice cream, cheeseburgers and pizza.  However, since I've started eating better, I find that I don't crave as much junk food as I used to.  Though there are times when my cravings are strong, I generally don't crave them as badly as I used to!

2. Water tastes A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.  I don't know how I avoided it before.  It's the main liquid that I have now.  Water, morning coffee, and the occasional milk or chocolate milk are the only things I drink.  But water?  Water is amazing.  There is nothing better than a cold glass of water after a workout.

3. My moods have been more positive.  As a result, my outlook on life is more optimistic.  In general, I am a pretty optimistic person.  I like to live my life with as much sunshine in it as possible.  However, exercising helps my mood be even brighter!  It's those crazy endorphins that help and I love it.

4.  I really do sleep better if I exercise.  Zzzzz!

5.  I don't mind the sweat as much as I thought I would.  In fact, I like when I sweat if I'm exercising.

6.  There really is no excuse to not exercise at least 30 minutes a day.  It really comes down to time management and what I consider a priority.  I may be in school, but God knows that I have at least 30 mins. to spare during the day to do a workout.  There are also DVD's that have intense 20 minute workouts; seriously, there is no reason to not exercise.

7.  When I indulge, that indulgence is enough to last me a long time.  

8.  Jillian Michaels = goddess.  An ass-kicking one, at that.

9.  Getting started (or re-started) is the hardest part.  The cliche is true -- the most difficult part of anything in life is getting started.  It can be a scary, daunting task, but it's so rewarding.

10.  It's not that hard to turn down a craving for a cupcake.  Even for someone whose sweet tooth starts screaming pretty loudly, turning down something that I know I shouldn't have isn't that hard.  I heard a great tip via John Tesh: Learn to use the diet phrase "I don't want to" instead of "I can't."  It makes you feel empowered instead of deprived.  Not bad advice, eh?
I'll add a Sunday Weigh-In post this Sunday, I promise.  My weight didn't budge this past Sunday -- I stayed put at 135!

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