Tuesday, February 15, 2011

[008] Sunday Weigh-In // Weekly Recap!

Current Weight, as of 11 AM 2/13/11: 155.9 lbs.
BMI (according to National Heart, Blood and Lung Institute):
25.5 (overweight)
Pounds lost since last weigh-in: --
Goal Weight: 130 lbs.

June 4, 2011
Pounds needed to lose per week
: 1.5 lbs

Okay, because I was busy on Sunday, I didn't get a chance to update. However, the above weight is still correct.

I'm starting to think that my body doesn't want me to lose 20 lbs.

Okay, honestly, I know it's because I haven't really modified my diet. I admit that I'm continuing to eat what I usually eat, just lesser portions, and I'm still not dropping the weight like I'd like to.

I've continued to do the 30 Day Shred and holy cow, does it hurt, lol. Level 1 is challenging and I attempted Level 2 last night. I couldn't even do all the reps for level 2, it's tough. On the upside, even though my weight didn't change, my endurance is certainly stronger, especially in my arms!

I'll do a mid-week check in tomorrow. I might have to start weighing myself twice a week now -- but we'll see how that'll go!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Trish! I came across your blog through Erica's S&H blog. Just want to let you know that you're inspiring! I've been going through extreme weight fluctuations the past 10 years, and I always have trouble getting motivated to work out. I need a workout partner like you!

    I think you look totally fabulous as you are! To me, losing inches and having strong endurance mean more than the number on the scale. People's bone structure and muscle mass vary, which is why some athletes tend to weigh more.

    You will definitely get to where you want to be come June! Keep pushing yourself, but continue to have fun and don't burn yourself out :-). I totally need to call and chat with you some time! Take care and hope to ttys! xoxo.
