Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My Venture Into Cleansing - Shakeology's 3 Day Cleanse

I have been curious about cleanses since I began my whole journey into fitness.  I admit, I didn’t quite buy into the whole “your body needs to get rid of toxins!!!!” gimmick that seems to run amok.  While I do understand that my body may have some pretty disgusting things inside, that does not mean it’s completely unhealthy.  If I make wise choices when I eat, then my body should regulate itself and those toxins should barely exist.

However, I do realize that I don’t always make wise choices.  Those lemon cookies in my cupboard won’t eat themselves, you know?  Not only that, but I enjoy food.  The fattening kind.  We’re talking pizzas, cheeseburgers, rice – all of that stuff you shouldn’t eat, I enjoy.  And who doesn’t?  It tastes good.

That being said, I knew that my body had some pretty disgusting things just hanging out inside.  I’d read about some different cleanses that are out there – from the cayenne pepper cleanse to one that my sister, Erica, did a few months back.  I wanted to try it – why not? – but I didn’t want to pick just any cleanse to do.

Enter Shakeology, brought to you by Beach Body.  If you’ve heard of P90X and TurboJam, then you know Beach Body.  They are all about keeping a fit and healthy lifestyle and have a multitude of tools for you to use, including nutritional supplements and the like.  After getting some information about them, I ordered some chocolate-flavored Shakeology.  Quick sidenote: It’s delicious mixed with Trader Joe’s Speculoos Cookie Butter, seriously.

As it turned out, there’s a cleanse that you can do while taking Shakeology.  It’s three days long and the best part is you aren’t doing something ridiculous, like only eating salad once a day.  Oh no.  The cleanse is as follows:

  • -          3 Shakeology shakes a day
  • -          2 cups of green tea
  • -          Salad and grilled, white protein for dinner (so chicken or fish)
  • -          Lots of water (they recommend 2-4 liters)
  • -          Fruit for snacks, which is twice a day

And here is the schedule:

1 cup of green tea to start the day

1 scoop of Shakeology with ice and 8-10 oz. water
½ cup of fruit (optional)

1 piece of fruit

1 scoop of Shakeology with ice and 8-10 oz water
1 cup of green tea

SNACK 2 (you can have this before or after dinner):
1 scoop of Shakeology with ice and 8-10 oz water

Salad with grilled fish or poultry (Green salad, and no more than 2 tablespoons of no fat/low fat dressing)

See?  Pretty simple, right?  And notice how there’s still food involved?  You can also ingest more calories if you need to; that way, you’re not starving yourself. 

So, friends, I have begun this cleanse.  I will post a blog entry for each day of it and let you know what happens.  I am excited, to say the least.  I am always up for trying something new!


  1. doesn't sound so bad.
    at least you're allowed to eat a little.

    for the blueprint one, it was like "if you want to eat, have 3 almonds" or "a third of an avocado". ridiculous things like that.

    1. I think I'm allowed to eat as much salad as I want, but not use a ton of dressing.

      I wouldn't be able to do the cleanse you did!

      PS: You're my second comment EVER.
